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5 Key Takeaways from "What is the First-Gen Network?" Event!

Missed our event last week? No problem! Here are takeaways.

5 Key Takeaways from our Introduction of the First Gen Network Event
  1. The First Generation Workgroup provides support to First Generation students by exposing them to resources they may not have been aware of. The Workgroup plans events and provide guidance catered to the needs of First Generation students, some of which include our "Brown Bag Lunch Discussions" and the "First Gen Peer Mentoring Program". 
  2. The First Generation Workgroup recognizes you and your accomplishments as a First Generation student through our "Student of the Month". We also highlight First Gen Faculty and Staff members through our "Humans of UMBC: First Gen Edition" initiative. 
  3. Tips for networking: Start connecting with your professors, faculty/staff, and fellow students depending on what field you're interested in. They have connections to various resources!
  4. Tips for balancing work, school and social life:                                  a) Dividing your days. Monday-Friday are work and school days. Saturday can be homework day and Sunday can be a social day. Another breakdown could be Saturday and Sunday morning is for homework while the evening is for socializing.                                      b) Learning in a virtual environment can be difficult. One way to overcome that is by having a group of your peers meet 1-2 times a week for a Google Hangouts or Zoom work session. Spend the first 5-10 minutes catching up. Then, plan out what you want to accomplish. You might even try dividing up the time by having 25 minutes of working without interruption followed by a 5 minute break.
  5. What our Faculty/Staff wish they knew before: Summer Bridge Programs. These give students the opportunity to meet other students, live in dorms and experience college life before the group of fall students come in. Furthermore, utilizing the Career Center. They are a great resource for helping with your resume and being able to connect you with internship opportunities. 
Want more information? Head to our website: https://firstgen.umbc.edu/
There you will find the names of faculty/staff members apart of the first gen workgroup along with our events/initiatives listed in the above takeaways. The powerpoint presentation is uploaded there as well! 

Posted: February 16, 2021, 8:40 PM