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5 Things All Students Should Know

Academic Resources

5 Things All College Students Need to Know: Academic Resources
UMBC's Academic Success Center offers free tutoring for all first and second level courses in most subjects.  Tutoring is an appointment you make to study and practice with a small group of peers and a trained tutor who has succeeded in the class previously.
SI PASS (Supplemental Instruction/Peer-Assisted Study Sessions) in traditionally difficult courses.  These regularly scheduled, out-of-class review sessions help you engage with course material, compare lecture notes, discuss readings, develop organizational tools and predict test items.

Writing Center Tutors can help you on any writing assignment for any class, at any stage of the writing process (outlining, rough drafts, final drafts). This is not an editing service, so make your appointment well before your assignment is due to implement suggestions.  

Videos and guides available to help you succeed in online learning, including:
  • Organization
  • Time management
  • Study skills
  • Working with instructors and other students
5. Get Help
Have questions or need help? Contact the Academic Success Center
email academicsuccess@umbc.edu
or call us at 410 455 2444 (M-F 9am-5pm).
Academic Success Meetings
You can meet virtually with a staff member for help with time management, study skills, and campus resources.

Dr. Delana Gregg
Director of Academic Learning Resources, Assessment, and Analysis
    Academic Success Center

Posted: September 25, 2020, 3:40 PM