First-Gen December Graduates: Get Your Green and Blue Cord!
Pick up your First-Gen Graduation Cord 12/11-17
Congratulations to the many First-Generation College Student Graduates from UMBC!
Commencement is December 19th, and when you amazing First-Gen graduates pick up your regalia, be sure to come get your First-Gen cord!
First-Gen cords are available for pick up at the
Career Center
(Math/Psychology Building, outside room 201)
Wednesday, December
11th - Friday, December 13th
If you are not able to pick up your cord at that time, you can also come by the
Academic Success Center (Sherman 345)
9am-5pm on Monday, December 16 or Tuesday, December 17.
The tag on your Green and Blue cord reads:
It's Official #FirstGenGrad
Being a first-generation college graduate is a big deal! You are the start of a whole new legacy and have claimed your future. UMBC is proud of to have been part of your journey and encourages you to extend beyond!
You are #First in so many ways. This graduation cord recognizes your outstanding achievements and its colors are intentional:
Blue represents the wisdom that you have acquired throughout your college career.
Green represents the enormous growth and progress that you have exhibited in both your character and your academics.
Congratulations #UMBC2019 #UMBCFirstGen
Posted: December 4, 2019, 4:52 PM