LRC Math Lab FAQ
Everything you've ever wondered about the Math Lab
Hi Retrievers!
This post goes out to all you wonderful STEM majors and you wonderful Arts, Humanities, and Social Science majors who are just trying to fulfill your Math and Science GEP requirements. The semester is really picking up! Most of you have had your first quizzes and some of you have even had your first test. Hopefully, everything went well. If so, great! If not, this post is for you!
If you haven't already heard, the Learning Resources Center operates a walk-in Math Lab where you can get help with many 100 level and 200 level Math courses! We also offer limited walk-in science tutoring if you have quick questions and don't want to commit to our weekly appointment tutoring (which is pretty awesome, by the way).
Are you on the fence about visiting? Have a few questions? Hopefully, this post will answer them all!
Where is the Math Lab? When are you open?
The Math Lab has moved! We are currently located next to the Writing Center in the A.O.K Library. We're open Monday through Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
What Math courses do you tutor?
It might be easier to list the Math courses that we don't tutor! We offer: MATH 100, MATH 106, MATH 131 (during the semesters that it is offered), MATH 132 (during the semesters that it is offered), MATH 150, MATH 151, MATH 152, MATH 155, MATH 221, MATH 225, MATH 251, and MATH 301. We also have tutoring for STAT 121 and STAT 355. Some of these courses are only tutored at certain times. Check our website for more information.
Wait, the Math Lab tutors science courses now?
We dabble. We offer tutoring at certain times for CHEM 101, CHEM 102, CHEM 351, PHYS 111, PHYS 112, PHYS 121, and PHYS 122. We also offer tutoring for ENES 101, ENME 110, and ENCH 215, for all you engineers out there.
Is the Math Lab the same thing as the Math Gym?
Is the Math Lab the same thing as the Math Gym?
Not exactly. While both places can offer you help with Math, the Math Lab tutors you based on what questions you have for the current class material. The Math Gym helps you strengthen your basic Math skills through supplementary work. Both offer different things, but they both are designed to help you succeed in Math. We definitely recommend both!
Have a question that wasn't answered by this FAQ? Post it in the comments or on our Facebook page!
Have a question that wasn't answered by this FAQ? Post it in the comments or on our Facebook page!
Posted: February 24, 2015, 10:43 AM