UMBC Horror Story: the Online Window
A spooky tale about Placement Testing
"It was a crisp fall night, and all was quiet at UMBC. The sun had traveled the full span of the sky, and the far off stars twinkled dimly in the jet black sky. Johnny, a restless UMBC junior was sitting in his darkened dorm room, transfixed by the pale glow of his laptop screen. It was a Saturday night, his dorm mates had all left for the weekend, and yet, he couldn't relax. He had completed his all of his homework for the week, prepped for his upcoming Orgo exam, and even started his paper for HIST 387. But something didn't feel quite right...despite how ahead Johnny was for the current semester, he couldn't shake this gnawing feeling. He decided to go for a walk. The campus was silent as he crossed Erickson field, but the peace didn't help. He began to grow more nervous as he walked past the Commons. As he rounded the corner of the Commons garage, it hit him! Something lurched out at him with a great intensity! It was a revelation much larger, more ground shaking than when he found out the Yum Shoppe doesn't accept Flex! At that moment, Johnny realized...he never took his Math Placement Test!!!"
Ooooh! Scary right?! Thankfully, this doesn't have to be you! The Learning Resources Center is offering an online Placement Testing window next week, just in time for Fall Registration! If you need to take a Math or English course next semester, and a Placement Test is required, now's the time to strike!
Oh, and if you want more information about the Math Placement Test, you can find that here on our website.
Happy Testing, everyone!
Ooooh! Scary right?! Thankfully, this doesn't have to be you! The Learning Resources Center is offering an online Placement Testing window next week, just in time for Fall Registration! If you need to take a Math or English course next semester, and a Placement Test is required, now's the time to strike!
The online window will run from Tuesday, November 4th through Tuesday, November 11th. If you need to sign up, email Include your name, campus ID, and "I want to sign up for the online window" in the body of the email.
Oh, and if you want more information about the Math Placement Test, you can find that here on our website.
Happy Testing, everyone!
Posted: October 30, 2014, 11:45 AM