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Bike to Work Day

May is Clean Commute Month!


Fri May 16, 2014 6AM to 9AM


Santa's House (@ Catonsville Fire Station)754 Frederick Rd, Catonsville
MD 21228


Participants in Bike to Work Day who stop by the event location will receive a free t-shirt, commuting guide, and a chance to win prizes. Coffee & refreshments provided. Simply bike to work, and stop by 754 Frederick Rd. Register here.


Bike to Work Day is a national event to encourage and celebrate bicycling to work and promote public awareness of bicycling and bicycle safety. Locally, it's a part of Maryland's Clean Commute Month in May. Register here.

Late Spring is the start of the ground-level ozone season, when we hear about Code Red and Orange Ozone Action Days. On these warm smoggy days, the air is dangerous to breathe – especially for the young and for the elderly. Emissions from single occupancy vehicles(driving alone) contribute approximately 20% of our region's dangerous ozone levels. Driving alone also results in increasingly congested roadways and parking issues. We can save money, protect the environment, stay in shape and have fun while biking.

Transportation accounts for 38% of UMBC's carbon footprint. In 2007, President Hrabowski committed to campus carbon neutrality.


Resources on UMBC's sustainable transportation alternatives are listed at:http://sustainability.umbc.edu/transportation/


These sustainable transportation options have been developed and promoted by the following groups. If this topic is of interest to you, consider getting involved:

Posted: April 30, 2014, 3:22 PM