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10/27 Weekly Digest

Happy Friday UMBC!
As the school week comes to an end, here are some events coming up next week.

Join this virtual Baltimore-themed Major Event (10/31/2023 from 2-3pm) aimed at putting UMBC students on to all of the benefits our campus resources offer. You may be interested in this program if… - You are looking for extra campus support in the major exploration process. - You are interested in supplementing your in-class learning with co-curricular experiences. - You’d like to learn about how campus resources can impact your college experience and add to your resume/portfolio as you plan for graduation. - You want to hear about opportunities for service and engagement in the Baltimore area.

Are you considering graduate studies? Do you have a set plan on achieving your graduate degree? Are you in need of additional support towards your graduate aspirations? The McNair Scholars Program is a federally funded program that supports the PhD pursuits of first-gen college students from low-income backgrounds and/or from a underrepresented minority group in higher education. Join us in this session to see how McNair fits into your plans for grad school! Our scholar application for the 2023-24 cycle is open from October 15 to December 15 this year. Concerned about your eligibility? We also accept Friends (affiliates) for the program on a rolling basis throughout the school year. Please visit our website for more information!

Click this link to join the meeting on Wednesday, November 1st from 12-1pm https://app.zoom.us/wc/89369459666/join?fromPWA=1&pwd=dUtSM0RqcnhqS01hOW04eTlMSmN5dz09

Posted: October 27, 2023, 1:01 PM